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Version: 0.1.9


Table to manage docker containers You can manage docker containers on your hosts that are registered in ssh_accounts module


Optional binds: string[]

A list of container's bind mounts - for example {'/home/my-app:/app'}

Optional command: string[]

CMD of the docker container

Optional container_id: string

Id that docker engine has assigned to this container

Optional created: date

Creation date of the docker container

Optional entrypoint: string[]

Entrypoint of the docker container

Optional env: string[]

Environment variables as a list, in form of {'A=B', 'C=D'}

image: string

Image of the docker container - eg. ubuntu, iasql/iasql:latest

Optional labels: Object

Labels for the docker container - for example {'l1': 'l1-value', 'l2': 'l2-value'}

Type definition

[label: string]: string

Optional mounts: mount_config

Mount config for the volumes

Optional name: string

Name of the docker container - either set by user or auto-generated by docker engine

Optional ports: Object

Port binding of the docker container to the host, for example {'80/tcp': [{HostIp: '', HostPort: '81'}]}

Type definition

[port_and_protocol: string]: { host_ip: string ; host_port: string }[]

server_name: string

Server name that is inserted into ssh_credentials table

Optional state: string

State of the docker container - it can be used to start/stop/pause/unpause the container

Optional volumes: string[]

Volume definition of the docker container - for example {'vol-name1', 'vol-name2'}