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Replicate changes across infra environments

One of the value propositions of IaSQL is that you get type safety and validation via foreign key relations. However, that also means that no two IaSQL databases will be the same. Due to foreign keys and cloud infrastructure differences across environments (dev, staging, prod, etc) in capacity and geography, we recommend that IaSQL users have one AWS account per environment so you aren't surprised that, for example, an EC2 instance type you used for a VM in staging is not available in the production availability zone. Then each AWS account should be connected to an IaSQL database that is modified independently. This guide will take you through how to make changes to an IaSQL database connected to your staging environment called mycompanydb-staging and then replicate those changes in your production environment using a different IaSQL database called mycompanydb-prod.

Complex, or delicate, infrastructure changes should be treated as transactions. IaSQL transactions are a bit different from normal DB transactions in that they are multiuser and can be previewed with the iasql_preview function for the changes that the ongoing transaction would create in the cloud, similar to Pulumi’s preview or Terraform’s plan.

--- starts a transaction
SELECT * FROM iasql_begin();

--- infrastructure changes

--- calls iasql_preview to see what would be the result in the cloud account
select * from iasql_preview();

--- more infrastructure changes

--- calls iasql_preview to see what would be the result in the cloud account
select * from iasql_preview();

--- calls iasql_commit and make the resulting changes in the cloud account
select * from iasql_commit();

Once the transaction is committed successfully and the desired changes are reflected in your staging AWS account, how do you easily replicate the analog of these changes in production? You can use another IaSQL function that looks at the IaSQL audit log and generates the SQL needed to represent changes done by a given transaction in mycompany-staging.

-- gets SQL from the audit log for the previous transaction
SELECT * FROM iasql_get_sql_for_transaction();

Finally once everything looks good in staging, copy the SQL queries generated from invoking the iasql_get_sql_since in mycompanydb-staging as a starting point for the SQL you will run in mycompanydb-prod. Now iasql_begin a transaction in mycompanydb-prod, make any changes to the generated SQL if necessary, and iasql_commit. It is common for foreign keys, resource types, firewall settings, DNS records, etc to be different across environments.

--- starts a transaction
SELECT * FROM iasql_begin();

--- infrastructure changes

--- calls iasql_preview to see what would be the result in the cloud account
select * from iasql_preview();

--- calls iasql_commit and make the resulting changes in the cloud account
select * from iasql_commit();

We do not recommend using database schema migrations systems to try to version control infrastructure changes as the approach is not resilient to IaSQL schema upgrades which require recreating the entire database.