- Components
- Code examples
Manage accounts and regions
--- installs the aws_account module
SELECT * FROM iasql_install('aws_account');
--- inserts aws credentials
INSERT INTO aws_credentials (access_key_id, secret_access_key)
--- selects a default region
UPDATE aws_regions SET is_default = TRUE WHERE region = '<region>';
--- confirms that the default region was set
SELECT * FROM aws_regions WHERE is_default = TRUE;
--- updates the default region with the handy default_aws_region function
SELECT * FROM default_aws_region('us-east-1');
--- clears out the default region
UPDATE aws_regions SET is_default = false;
--- confirms the default_aws_region still returns a default region
SELECT * FROM default_aws_region();
--- returns records when calling iasql_help
SELECT * FROM iasql_help();