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· 5 min read

In this tutorial, we will run SQL queries on an IaSQL database to deploy a Node.js HTTP server within a docker container on your AWS account using Fargate ECS, IAM, ECR, and ELB. The container image will be built locally, hosted within a private repository in ECR, and deployed to ECS using Fargate.

· 2 min read
L. Fernando De Pombo
David Ellis
Alejandro Guillen

We are excited to announce that IaSQL is now open source! The main repository is As perfectionists, we feel like IaSQL will never be truly ready. However, we believe IaSQL is at the point where it can start to be useful for developers managing infrastructure in the cloud. IaSQL is a SaaS that lets you model your infrastructure as data by maintaining a 2-way connection between your AWS account and a Postgres SQL database to represent the definitive state (and status) of your cloud which cannot be achieved with a static infrastructure declaration. This means that when you connect an AWS account to an IaSQL instance it automatically backfills the database with your existing cloud resources. No need to painstakingly redefine or reconcile your existing infrastructure and IaSQL's module system means you can specify which parts of your cloud infrastructure you wish to control.

· 4 min read
L. Fernando De Pombo
David Ellis
Alejandro Guillen

Since this post was originally written the schema of IaSQL has changed and the queries below no longer work. Please refer to the documentation for how to use IaSQL. The IaSQL modules include example queries that are tested and kept up-to-date, including the aws_ec2 module that this post covers.

What software you have deployed on what services and the interactions between them and the outside world is not a program, it is information about your infrastructure. Changing your infrastructure is a set of operations to perform, a program. A SQL database is a set of information and SQL queries read or change that data.