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8 posts tagged with "tutorial"

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· 6 min read
Yolanda Robla
L. Fernando De Pombo

Stable Diffusion is a deep learning, text-to-image model initially released in 2022. It is primarily used to generate detailed images conditioned on text descriptions, though it can also be applied to other tasks such as inpainting, outpainting, and generating image-to-image translations guided by a text prompt.

There is a publicly available tool limited to a maximum of 200 images generated. But because the model is open source, you can download and host your own version of it. There are different approaches to host it, but one easy option is to host it in an EC2 GPU instance, using IaSQL to setup everything with just a few SQL queries. IaSQL is an open-source software tool that creates a two-way connection between an unmodified PostgreSQL database and an AWS account so you can manage your infrastructure from a database.

· 7 min read
Yolanda Robla
L. Fernando De Pombo

Are you using S3 buckets as part of your cloud deployments? How are you accessing them?

When running applications behind VPCs without public access, there may be the need to access S3 buckets from the private subnet over the public internet. One simple but costly way to do so is to rely on NAT gateways.

However, creating gateway or interface VPC endpoints for each region where your buckets are exposed is a more optimal solution.

When the VPC endpoints are enabled you can access your S3 buckets using this endpoint. In this post, we will walk you through how to control your buckets from an internal network with the desired security, and without the extra costs of a NAT gateway using a VPC endpoint and IaSQL. IaSQL is an open-source software tool that creates a two-way connection between an unmodified PostgreSQL database and an AWS account so you can manage your infrastructure from a database.

· 3 min read
Yolanda Robla
L. Fernando De Pombo

Do you have some database instances on RDS and wonder what's the most secure way to reach them? In this post, we will walk you through how to securely connect to an AWS RDS instance using PrivateLink and IaSQL. AWS PrivateLink provides private connectivity between virtual private clouds (VPCs), supported AWS services, and your on-premises networks without exposing your traffic to the public internet. IaSQL is an open-source software tool that creates a two-way connection between an unmodified PostgreSQL database and an AWS account so you can manage your infrastructure from a database.

· 7 min read
Mohammad Teimori Pabandi
L. Fernando De Pombo

Did you know you can deploy a static website using a SQL REPL? In this post, we'll show you how to use IaSQL to deploy a static website from your GitHub repository to AWS S3 + Cloudfront services using only SQL queries. IaSQL is an open-source software tool that creates a two-way connection between an unmodified PostgreSQL database and an AWS account so you can manage your infrastructure from a database.

We will create and configure an S3 bucket to serve our static website. To enable support for HTTPS, we'll also add a CloudFront distribution. We will also leverage CodeBuild to automatically build the files for our project and copy them to the S3 bucket created already.

· 8 min read
Mohammad Teimori Pabandi

IaSQL is an open-source software tool that creates a two-way connection between an unmodified PostgreSQL database and an AWS account so you can manage your infrastructure from a database. In this post, we're going to discover an IaSQL module that's built to make deploying to ECS, simplified. Most of the details for deploying a container to AWS ECS are the same (load balancers, security groups, IAM roles, etc), and we have created the aws_ecs_simplified module for you so that you can give it any Github repo with a Dockerfile and get your app deployed to ECS in the fastest time possible, with scalability available! All the needed resources are going to be created automatically in your AWS account, and you'll have full access to the details while you're gaining the benefit of a higher-level simple deployment.

· 7 min read

In this tutorial, we will use a script that uses Prisma to introspect the schema of an IaSQL database and deploy a Node.js HTTP server within a docker container on your AWS account using Fargate ECS, IAM, ECR, and ELB. IaSQL is an open-source software tool that creates a two-way connection between an unmodified PostgreSQL database and an AWS account so you can manage your infrastructure from a database. The container image will be hosted as a private repository in ECR and deployed to ECS using Fargate.

The code for this tutorial lives in this part of the repository.

· 5 min read

In this tutorial, we will run SQL queries on an IaSQL database to deploy a Node.js HTTP server within a docker container on your AWS account using Fargate ECS, IAM, ECR, and ELB. The container image will be built locally, hosted within a private repository in ECR, and deployed to ECS using Fargate.