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Table to manage AWS routes. A route table contains a set of rules, called routes, that determine where network traffic from your subnet or gateway is directed.



Optional carrier_gateway_id: string

ID for the carrier gateway used by the route

Optional core_network_arn: string

AWS ARN to identify the network for the route

destination: string

destination field: used to determine the destination to be matched. Could be an IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR block or a prefixed list

Optional egress_only_internet_gateway_id: string

Egress-only Internet Gateway is VPC component that allows outbound only communication to the internet over IPv6, and prevents the Internet from initiating an IPv6 connection with your instances.

Optional gateway_id: string

ID for the gateway used to connect to internet


Optional instance_id: string

ID for the referenced EC2 instance

Optional instance_owner_id: string

ID for the EC2 instance owner

Optional local_gateway_id: string

ID for the local gateway used by the route

Optional nat_gateway_id: string

ID for the NAT gateway referenced by the route

Optional network_interface_id: string

ID for the network interface gateway gateway used by the route

region: string

Reference to the region where it belongs

route_table: route_table

Reference to the route table associated with this route

Optional transit_gateway_id: string

ID for the transit gateway used by the route

Optional vpc_peering_connection_id: string

ID for the VPC peering connection used by the route